Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Response #1

The most common definition that comes to mind when I encounter the word “hacker” is a person who uses a computer to gain (hack) information that is not theirs. For obvious reasons, hackers naturally aren’t shown in a positive light.  This is because in popular media, the word “hacker” is used to describe a person to breaks through a computers security system for either monetary gain, maliciously, or just to prove that they can. Not exactly someone I would give a Nobel prize to. Some may argue this though, due to the fact that it actually takes some serious skill to become a hacker. A person who has unreal computer knowledge, can break through firewalls and bypass passwords in computer programs has got to be none other than a genius. Does this make them a good person though? I think not. Just because you’re smart doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re honorable as well.
A great hacking story that I once heard told of a 19 year old boy in Wales, who acquired 23,000 online shoppers details and posted them to various websites. He ended up pleading guilty, claiming that he only did it to prove security weakness in internet shopping. As I mentioned earlier, some hackers hack to make a point, or just to prove that they can.
Another profound story that grabbed my attention lately was a hack of the Fox News Twitter feed. Someone hacked into their Twitter, and reported that Barack Obama had passed away on July 4th, 2011. This obviously caused an uproar, scaring the American People. The rumor was soon diminished though, and we all slept a little better that night I suppose.
A very common hacking technique that most all of us know about is through email. Click on a message that is not from a trusted friend or website, and Boom! You suddenly have a virus. Thankfully though, internet users have been greatly informed about this technique. Hackers are still making leeway through emails each day, but the more informed we stay, the less likely they are to succeed.
I have never had any personal experience with a hacker, and for that, I’m grateful yet unsurprised. If I were talented at hacking, I don’t believe that I would waste my time breaking into a 19 year olds computer only to find a Facebook password and some other worthless nonsense. I do consider myself lucky though to have not gotten a virus yet, which most hackers are responsible for. Like I said before, hackers can break through firewalls, which are typically used to protect your computer from viruses and such. In my eyes, hackers are no bueno and I’m glad to say I’ve been fortunate enough to have avoided them thus far!

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